Couples Therapy & Individual Therapy

Jacob Brown Psychotherapist in San Francisco and Marin County

There are times in everyone’s life when you feel overwhelmed or lost.  When life feels like a struggle. When things start to feel hopeless.

Your marriage may feel lonely or rocky. You might be facing a difficult life choice and feel unable to make a decision.  Or the traumas of your past are keeping you from experiencing the joy that exists in your life today. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Individual Therapy or Couples Therapy is an opportunity to open yourself up to new ideas, new feelings, and new solutions. It provides a path for you to work through the barriers that keep you and your partner from feeling truly close. It can help you to end those cycles that keep re-emerging, over and over again, no matter how hard you try to change.

Free 30-minute Zoom Consultation

If this sounds like what you’re looking for, I hope you’ll contact me for a free 30-minute Zoom consultation. I offer couples therapy and individual therapy by Zoom anywhere in California. Make an Appointment for a Free 30-Minute Consultation

Some of the services I offer


Individual Therapy

Does it seem like you don’t feel fully connected to your life? Or, that no matter how hard you try, happiness is always just out of reach? Individual therapy may help you find your path.

Therapy for Men

The message that men get is very clear: "Just handle it,” “Stop complaining,” or simply “Man up.” Therapy is a place for a man to step back, to see what he really feels and who he really is.

Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy can help you feel more connected with your partner, work through your conflicts, calm the fighting, regain that deep sense of intimacy, and rebuild your sexual connection.

Healing a Sexless Marriage

You can’t heal a sexless marriage with a Date Night or a weekend getaway. It’s not that easy. The path to restarting your sex life begins with rebuilding trust and emotional intimacy as a couple.

Older Adults & Couples

Aging isn’t easy. It’s a time of huge change and adjustment. Retirement, an aging body, a changing identity, and multiple losses are just a few of the challenges we face as we age.

Affair Recovery

Nothing can tear a relationship apart like infidelity. It can be a sexual affair, an emotional affair, flirting, pornography, or any way in which one partner feels their trust has been betrayed.


Some popular articles from my blog



  • Choosing a therapist can often feel overwhelming. The most important thing to remember is to trust your intuition. Go with someone who feels like the right fit. And remember, you can always change your therapist. You’re not locked into a contract. If after a few sessions, you think you’ve made the wrong choice, you can leave, and find a therapist that’s a better fit.

  • Couples therapy is designed to provide you and your partner with a safe and supportive environment in which you can have difficult conversations. There are things you both want to say to each other. But each time you try, it turns into an argument or just goes nowhere. In therapy, we can work together to make those hard conversations loving and productive.

  • I work with individuals and with couples. I work with adults of all ages, with a specialty of working with older adults and older couples. I’m sorry, but I don’t work with kids.

  • Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is considered the "gold standard" in couples therapy. It focuses on both reducing conflict and increasing a sense of connection and intimacy.

    EFT focuses on helping couples the feelings that come up and block them when they try to feel close. EFT helps couples have those difficult talks that currently only lead to fights and feelings of hopelessness.

  • That's a hard question to answer. I'd have to say that I'm warm, patient, and engaged. I don't just nod my head and say "what do you think" when you ask a question. And when appropriate, I can be very direct.