5 Love Languages Quiz PDF

Few, if any, books have had such a huge impact on couples, and couples therapy as The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Dr. Gary Chapman. It has created a whole new way for couples to communicate about how they feel loved and how they express love.

5 love languages quiz pdf

The 5 Love Languages?

We all want to feel loved. But, we receive love differently. Perhaps physical affection and quality time carry the most meaning for you. While your partner craves hearing those words of love and caring. Here are the 5 Love Languages - which ones do you long to receive?

  1. Words of Affirmation

    Hearing those important words of love and appreciation.

  2. Quality Time

    That special time spent together when you just focus on each other.

  3. Physical Touch

    Physical affection, touch, sex, hugging, cuddling - feeling love through a skin-to-skin connection.

  4. Acts of Service

    Building that bookshelf, picking you up from the doctors, making you coffee in the morning, showing love through actions.

  5. Receiving Gifts

    It’s all about the thought behind the gift, not the price tag.

Finding your Love Language

The first step in understanding the 5 Love Languages is to determine what languages have the most meaning to you. We don’t have only one Love Language - we relate to all five. But for most of us, one or two will be our dominant language, the expression of love that we most long for.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s a great idea to take the quiz together with your partner. Do the quiz individually, no peeking, and then compare your answers. But remember, it’s not important that you and your partner share the same Love Languages. Most couples don’t.

Your goal is to:

  1. Understand how you feel most loved (what are you longing for)

  2. Learn how your partner feels most loved (what they are longing for)

  3. Be able to see that your partner is already giving you love (in his or her own way) - but you may not have been able to recognize it

  4. Help them see that you’ve been giving them love and they may not have been seeing it

  5. Find ways to work together to communicate love in ways that are meaningful to you both

Take the Love Language Quiz

Take the Online Love Language Quiz.

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